Secretary Treasurer Kenny Mullan
The Secretary-Treasurer shall perform the following duties; He / She shall receive and deposit all funds of the Local Lodge in a Bank of sound financial standing in the name of the Local Lodge; pay all properly drawn orders by check, which checks shall be countersigned by the president of the Local Lodge, but shall not draw any checks in violation of Section 3. The Secretary-Treasurer collect all dues, fines, assessments and all monies from any source for the benefit of the Local Lodge; keep a systematic account of all disbursements in such a way as to show the balance of cash on hand at the close of each meeting of the Local Lodge; file all receipted bills; keep a correct account between the lodge and its members, and submit the books to the auditing committee of the Local Lodge semiannually (at the close of June and December).
Please note* this is a summary of Section 4 Duties of the Secretary Treasurer