Lodge 66 is located at
1650 S 38th St. Milwaukee, WI 53215
Phone: 414-671-3800 or Fax: 414-671-3800 or lodge66@gmail.com
Our website: www.unitedlodge66.org & www.youtube.com/badgerlodge
Click on the links in this index to jump to the appropriate information:
Contracts within Lodge 66 // In Remembrance // Business Meeting // Office Hours // Lodge 66 Scholarship Payment of Dues // Change of Address // What are Unions? // Communications Conference // Activist Award // Voces de La Frontera Award // Our Law Firm
United Lodge 66 Business Meeting in Milwaukee
Join the IAM (English) http://www.goiam.org/join.php
Contracts within Lodge 66
United Lodge 66 represents members in the greater Milwaukee, Waukesha, Racine, Kenosha, Sheboygan and Burlington areas of Wisconsin: including workers at the Andis Company, Badger Meter, Delaware Resource Group Deltrol, Dings, Felins, Industries for the Blind, Kieffer and Company, Lakeside Manufacturing, Mid-West Die, Molson Coors, Milwaukee Art Museum, Monarch Plastics, Ocean Spray, Perlick Corporation, Spincraft, Styberg Engineering, Union Financial, Veolia, Vishay/Milwaukee Resistor, Western States Envelope, WRTP, Wisconsin AFL-CIO, District 10, Lodge 66 and D.L. 66.
The Milwaukee Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO, partners with WRTP/BIG STEP to connect people to Job Training and Placement. For more information, see WRTP/BIGSTEP online.
Schedule of Union classes at the Machinist Union William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center at Placid Harbor, Maryland are available online at goiam.org or at your union office. Classes are available to all activist members of United Lodge 66.
Lodge 66 is located at 1650 S. 38th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53215 Phone: 414-671-3800 or Fax: 414-671-3800 or lodge66@gmail.com.
Our website: www.unitedlodge66.org
In remembrance for deceased Lodge members the family can receive a bible of their faith, which is in a cedar box:
• Dove of Peace Edition – Protestant
• Dove of Peace Edition – Catholic
• Black Heritage Memorial – Protestant
• Jewish – Tanakh
• Martin Luther King
• Spanish – Protestant
• Spanish – Catholic
• Qur’an
• Book of Mormon
The Business Meeting is held at the Lodge 66 building in Milwaukee on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM
Union office hours
By appointment only. Call 414-671-3800 or email lodge66@gmail.com to set up an appointment
All Business can be handled:
By mail
Dropped off into the mail slot at the locked door at 1650 S 38th St.
At the normal Lodge Business Meeting, 2nd Tuesday of each month, office will be open at 6:30 PM
Always check the answering machine 414-671-3800.
Scholarship Program of United Lodge 66
The program is meant to assist one High School Senior that is a child of a United Lodge 66 member. Listed below are the criteria for the Scholarship Selection:
1. 2 (Two) $500 scholarships annually.
2. Only seniors in High School that are children of Machinist Union Lodge 66 Members and those that are seeking post High School Education are eligible.
3. An essay must be written and must be based on how Unions have been important to your family and community to be considered for the Scholarship. Information should be gathered from your parents or relatives and the struggles they may have faced in their jobs. The essays must be at least 500 words in length. Please note, “Essays written from Labor History Books, encyclopedias, etc., will NOT BE ACCEPTED.”
4. Essays should be sent to: United Lodge 66, 1650 South 38th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53215. Essays will be given to the Scholarship Committee to review.
5. After a review of the competency of each essay, a selection process will follow and the winner will be the essay that best meets the requirements stated above.
6. One half of the Scholarship will be paid directly to the school in the first semester in which the individual is enrolled. The second half will be paid during the second semester and also sent directly to the school. Selections of essay winners will take place at the September Lodge Meeting. The essays must be in at United Lodge 66 office as specified in the yearly posting is each shop. Absolute, no entries will be accepted past this date.
7. Notification of availability of Scholarship will be published in the Milwaukee Labor Press, the Badger Lodge News, Lodge Website and posted in all plants.
The selection committee will be executive board members. We urge all Union parents in United Lodge 66, with High School Seniors in their family, to encourage their children to enter this contest for consideration of a Scholarship. All entries become the property of United Lodge 66 and winning essays will or may be published in the Badger Lodge News, our Website and submitted to the Milwaukee Labor Press.
Even if you are on dues checkout, your employer may not deduct your dues. An example is when you are on vacation. At this time it is your responsibility to pay the dues directly to the union office. A dues delinquency list is sent to each shop chair. The chair is suppose to inform you of your dues arrearage. The Lodge will also send a card to you. Remember, just because you are on dues checkout does not mean all this communication to you is an error.
Always call your Union office, 414-671-3800 or email lodge66@gmail.com
Your union office can only communicate to you if your correct address is on file. You must contact the union office at 414-671-3800 or United Lodge 66,1650 S. 38th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53215.
Giving the change to your employer or Union Representative at work is just not good enough.
We are the union.
The negotiated wages and benefits, as part of the collective bargaining process, is not a gift from the Company. Without the legal protections of a collective bargaining agreement, the Company can change or even eliminate health insurance, vacations and holidays, pensions, and many other benefits we enjoy. There are dozens of federal and state laws that the labor movement helped pass that deal with critical worker “rights”—laws to ensure:
• that workers are safe and healthy at work,
• that workers are free from discrimination and harassment
• that workers can take time off for family emergencies,
• that workers are protected from unfair bargaining tactics.
Knowledge is power and unity increases that power.
2010 Machinists Union Newsletter and Website Contest
Our Lodge received awards in the following categories for newsletters: (a) General Excellence: Locals, we received Honorable Mention; (b) Best Layout & Design: Locals, we received 3rd Place; (c) Best Feature: Locals, we received 2nd Place.
Doug Curler and International President R. Thomas Buffenbarger
The “Robert Kalaski Special Performance Award” or communicator of the year award was given to Brother Curler at the Grand Lodge Convention in September 2008. The award read, “For distinguished and effective communication promoting the mission of the labor movement.”
At the September 2008 Grand Lodge Convention the Lodge did receive two awards for its Badger Lodge News newsletter. The awards were: 1st Place Best Feature article titled, “Lakeside Manufacturing” and it read, “well written piece, made what could have been a mundane story interesting. You can feel the workers’ pride.” (written by Brother James Cobb from interviews with Brother Tim Schwartz and the shop committee.) The other award was 3rd Place for the Badger Lodge News and it read, “news coverage is varied and interesting in a compact format. Provides enough information and photos to keep reader engaged and interested without being overdone.”
United Lodge 66 received an Honorable Mention Award at the 2007 Machinists Union Communications Conference for a best feature article. The award read, “While not originally submitted as a feature entry, plucked from the stack because of its compelling presentation. The article was from a Community Services Liaison recently returned from working with storm victims in Louisiana. A funny and touching introduction to the culture of the Gulf region from the perspective of a native storm victim. Even though it was authored by an individual outside the local, the content, topic and presentation fit the classic definition of a feature. The editor deserves credit for recognizing its value, crediting the source and make space for it in the newsletter.”
United Lodge 66 received an award from the International Labor Communications Association in the category of “General Excellence, Local Unions with less than 2,500 circulation, Third Award.” This was given for the Badger Lodge News in November 2006.
United Lodge 66 received the IAM Midwest Territory 2005 Communications Award, recognizing outstanding achievement in labor journalism in the category of Best Overall Website Design & Content, IAM Local Lodge 66, Doug Curler Web Steward.
United Lodge 66 received the IAM Midwest Territory 2005 Communications Award, recognizing outstanding achievement in labor journalism in the category of Newsletter-Honorable Mention, IAM Local Lodge 66, Badger Lodge News, Doug Curler, Editor.
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers
2005 Newsletter and Website Competition
Second Award is presented to Badger Lodge News
IAM Local Lodge 66
Recognizing outstanding achievement in labor communications in the category of:
General Excellence
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers
2005 Newsletter and Website Competition
Third Award is presented to Badger Lodge News IAM Local Lodge 66
Recognizing outstanding achievement in labor communications in the category of: Layout and Design
International Labor Communications Association
Communications Competition for the achievement in the field of labor media in the category of: Websites
Best Design Local Union
First Award for the calendar year 2004 is presented to: www.unitedlodge66.org IAM & AW Local Lodge 66, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
International Labor Communications Association
Communications Competition for the achievement in the field of labor media in the category of: General Excellence
Local Union Publication Less than 2,500 circulation
Second Award for the calendar year 2004 is present to: Badger Lodge News IAM & AW Local Lodge 66, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
United Lodge 66 Website won two awards in 2004. First was from the 2004 IAM Newsletter & Website contest and we were awarded in the Website Category, “Web Steward Award.” The second award was from the IAM Midwest Territory 2004 Communications awards and we were recognized in the Best Website Design category. From Midwest Grand Lodge General Vice President he wrote, “The Local Lodge 66 website has grown into one of the best websites in the territory. The recent redesign and added content makes it unique and a valuable resource. The site is very attractive, clean, colorful and easy to navigate. It features an extension array of labor news in English and Spanish, local lodge history and other useful information all provided in a timely manner.”
United Lodge 66 Badger Lodge Newsletter wins in 2003 two awards (1) General Excellence-Honorable Mention for “Strong worker advocacy, effective use of new technology (lots of color photos)” and 2nd Place for Best Feature “Snappy, professionally-written story about a Spanish language training program. Unusual topic, well-presented and interesting.”
United Lodge 66 Web Site wins 3rd Place in “Best Design” in 2001. Doug accepted the award on behalf of Lodge 66 for: “Local Lodge 66 – Polished, up-to-date. Impressive feature using subtitles to explain links. Provides useful mailing addresses. Clear, neat and legible. Good choice of links, uses pictures. Easy to access information.”
At the Milwaukee County Labor Council’s November 2, 2001 Solidarity Celebration, Lodge 66 was honored to receive this years award “For your dedicated and loyal service and continued solidarity.” Each year the labor community honors an activist for their contribution but this year the collective action of our Lodge was recognized.
United Lodge 66 has been recognized by Voces for “your support of low-wage and immigrant workers in Milwaukee.”
We are proud of our recognition and hopefully will continue to support the rights of all workers for economic equality and social justice.
Voces, 1027 S. 5th. Street, Milwaukee, WI 53205, 414-643-1620, is a Latino workers rights center supporting: the right to organize; the legalization campaign for undocumented workers; supporting those that receive social security no match letters; and offering bilingual workers’ rights workshops.
The law firm of Previant, Goldberg, Uelmen represents Machinists District 10, United Lodge 66 and the Wisconsin AFL-CIO in labor matters. The firm has also represented individual members of this lodge for their personal legal problems.
Lawyers from the firm represent individual members in cases involving personal injuries, workers compensation, social security disability, family law and estate planning. They are also able to help you in other areas of the law.
Lodge 66 members should call them at 414-271-4500 for a free legal consultation. Often, your questions can be answered over the phone and if not, an appointment will be made.
Who else would have your best interest but someone who represents you on labor issues?
Previant, Goldberg, Uelmen, Gratz, Miller & Brueggeman
1555 North River Center Drive, Suite 202
Milwaukee, WI 53212